Welcome to the 2024 All-Star Season!
Manager/Player Nominations
April 24 Manager Nominations Due
April 27-28 Manager Interviews
April 30 All-Star Managers Announced
May 17 All-Star Player Nomination Forms Due to Coaches
May 19 All-Star Player Nomination Forms Due to All-Star Coordinator
All-Star Evaluations (Tentative)
Juniors - May 20 Time/Location TBD
11's - May 28-30, Time/Location TBD
11/12's - May 28-30, Time/Location TBD
9/10's - May 28-30, Time/Location TBD
May 31 - All-Star Players Announced
June 1 - Mandatory All-Star Uniform Fitting and Parent Meeting (Rocky Mountain Vibes Stadium), 9:00am
June 3 - All-Star Practices Begin
June 3 - Summer League Play Begins
June 27 - All-Star Night at the Rocky Mountain Vibes Game. Tailgate begins @ 4:00pm.
TBD - All-Star Picture Day (location TBD)
TBD - All-Star Team Building Event (all teams)
July 5 District 5 All-Star Tournament Starts (Tentative)
9/10's - HPLL
11's - Dry Creek
11/12's - Cherry Creek
Juniors - District 5 (Colorado Springs)
July 15 State Tournament Starts (Tentative)
9/10's –District 2
11's - District 5
11/12's – District 1
Juniors - District 1