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Academy Little League

Academy Little League



When is registration for the Spring 2025 season? 
Registration for the 2025 spring Little League season opens November 15 and closes February 19. 

What is the refund policy? 
Any refund request must be submitted via email to [email protected].  The request will generally be honored based on the following schedule.   

-100% refund if requested before pre-season assessments. 

-50% refund if requested before first game of the season. 

-No refunds will be given after first game.  

*Player may qualify for a full refund before season begins if approved by Board of Directors due to extenuation circumstances such as a move from the area or an injury. If the season has begun, the refund may be prorated. 


What is my child’s league age? 
Your child's actual age and league age may be different.  Your child’s league age can be found on the Little League 2025 Baseball Age Chart. [Match month (top line) and box with year of birth. League age indicated at right.]  Player's league age determines which division they are eligible to play in. 

What division should my child play in the 2025 Spring Little League season?    

Tee Ball - Ages 4-6

In this division, players will be hitting off a tee 

Will utilize the Little League Tee Ball Curriculum 

Primarily utilize Academy Endeavor Elementary School for games 

Per Little League Rules, 6-year-olds who have not played a season of Little League, must be enrolled in the Tee Ball Division 

Advanced 5-year-olds, who have played a season of Little League, may enroll in the Rookies Division

Rookies - Ages 5-7 

This is an instructional division. Coach pitch and/or machine pitch will be utilized in this division 

Advanced 5-year-olds, who have played a season of Little League, may enroll in the Rookies Division

7-year-olds who have never played baseball before should sign up for the Rookies division 

Primarily utilize Mountain Ridge Middle School for games 

May utilize other fields for games and practices 

Minors AA  - Ages 7-9 

This is an instructional division. Machine pitch will be utilized at the start of the season and will progress to player pitch halfway through the season 

Advanced 7-year-olds, with multiple years of baseball experience and who are ready for player pitch, may enroll in this division and be drafted to a Minors AA team 

9-year-olds, who have never played baseball before, are encouraged to register for this division 

Games historically at Timberview Middle School 

May utilize other fields for games and practices 

Minors AAA  - Ages 9-10 

This is a competitive division with player pitch the entire season 

9-year-olds with multiple years of baseball experience should register for the Minors AAA division 

Games historically at Timberview Middle School 

May utilize other fields for games and practices 

Majors  - Ages 10-12 

This is a competitive division 

Only advanced 10-year-olds should register in this division. 

Games historically at Chinook Trail Middle School 

May utilize other fields for games and practices 

Intermediates  - Ages 11-13 

This is a competitive division with rules similar to CABA and USSSA 

Pitching Distance is 50' with base paths of 70' 

Games will be at Ford Frick Park 

May utilize other fields for games and practices 

Juniors  - Ages 13-15

This is a competitive division 

Only advanced 13-year-olds should register for this division 

Games will be played at multiple 60'/90' fields in Colorado Springs 

My child is more experienced than the division to which s/he is assigned.  Can s/he play up? 

Yes, your child has the opportunity to play up to the next division.  However, your child will need to assess in both divisions and be drafted into the higher division. 


Where can my child play Little League? 
Please use the Little League Finder to determine if your home or school address is within ALL boundaries.  The League Finder website already accounts for the new 2025 Regulation II - League Boundary Rules.  

What are the new 2025 Regulation II – League Boundary Rules? 
Starting in 2025, Little League Baseball and Softball players aged 4–7 will be able to register for any Little League program, regardless of school or geography. 

For players aged 8–16, Little League may still offer opportunities and waivers for players who want to switch leagues. See Below. 

Please read the information on this link regarding tournament (All Stars) eligibility. 

If my child age 8-16 attends a school in the ALL boundary, can he/she play at ALL?  
Yes, your child will be playing on a school waiver (school is within ALL boundaries). You must bring this School Enrollment form signed by the school administration proving enrollment prior to October 1st. Only complete paperwork will be accepted during the registration dates. 

If my child age 8-16 does not live or attend a school in the ALL boundary, can he/she play at ALL?  
Players league age 8 to 16 residing or attending school within the boundary of a league and wishing to play in another league must apply for a participation waiver through the Charter Committee waiver. 

A notarized waiver signed by your home league president and a reason letter is required.  Waiver form can only be obtained by contacting the player agents. The request will be reviewed by both the ALL President and District Administrator. Approval is not guaranteed and may be denied by home league, ALL or district administrator. Players will not be eligible for post season teams.   

What do I need to prove Residency? 
Residence shall be established and supported by documents containing the full residence (player must live at this address) which includes parent(s) or guardian(s) name, street address, city, state and zip code information, dated or in force between February 1, 2024 (previous year) and February 1, 2025 (current year), from one or more documents from EACH of the three Groups outlined in this link: 


What type of equipment will my player need? 
All ALL players will be provided with a uniform (jersey, hat, belt and socks) as part of your registration fees.  Other equipment that is needed is baseball cleats, Little League approved bat, glove, athletic protective cup, and baseball pants. Your team manager will let you know what color pants to purchase.   

Can I make friend requests or ask for a specific Manager or Coach? 
Due to Little League rules, Academy Little League cannot accept friend or manager requests during the Spring season for any division above Rookies.  

What are Player Assessments?  
All players in the Minors AA Division and above must attend an assessment to determine the skill level of each player.  The assessment is used by the League's coaches to draft players onto teams, ensuring an equitable distribution of talent among the teams. Assessments will be scheduled for February 22nd.

What is expected at player assessments?
Players will be evaluated on hitting, throwing/catching, fielding, and running. Players who attend assessments will be drafted on a team. 

What happens if my child misses Player Assessments? 
During the draft, if coaches have experience coaching your child and can agree on your child’s skill level, your child will be included in the draft.  If not, your child will be a blind (random) draft and placed on a random team at the end of the draft. 

How long is the Spring season? 
Practices begin March 10. Regular season games begin in April 12 and run until June 8.  

When will schedules be available? 
Practice and game schedules are generally released by the last week in March.  However, our League Scheduler has to coordinate field availability with multiple organizations, as well as interleague games with other league schedulers, so the process is complicated and lengthy.  We will do our best to distribute the schedule as quickly as possible. 

When and where are practices held?  
Practice days and times are scheduled by the Division Commissioner and are based on field/batting cage availability.  We do not assign team practice times or finalize our game schedules until after teams are formed. 
When and how often are games held? 

In the Spring season, all Minors and Majors divisions have one game on Saturday and one weekday game.  Upper Division will participate in inter-league play and information will be posted as it becomes available. TBall and Rookies will start with Saturday only games and weekday games will be added later in the season. 

Do teams play on Sunday? 
Typically, teams play during the week and on Saturday.  The exception is weather-related make-up games. 

It's the middle of March and we haven't heard from our coach.  Who do we contact? 
Our coaches receive their team assignments at the same time you do and generally need a few days to contact their team families.  Please be patient as the season gets started.  If you are concerned about team placement, please contact your Division Commissioner. 


What do I do if I am interested in coaching or managing a team this coming season? 
The registration process provides the opportunity to express your volunteer interest.  Prior to the start of the season there will also be a “Call For Managers” email sent out to the membership requesting you send an email with a completed manager questionnaire application that can be found on the league website under the FORMS tab. In addition, you must be registered as a volunteer on the website.  To be considered as a manager, the above items must be completed prior to the deadline.    

My schedule does not allow me to manage a team though, I would like to help coach or serve as a team parent. What do I need to do? 
All volunteers are required to fill out a volunteer application for the safety of the kids playing at ALL.  An application must be done on a yearly basis. Submit your application through the website. By mid-February, the manager of your child's team should contact you.  You can also speak to your manager about your interest in coaching, team parent, or helping in another capacity.   


Where are the rules for Academy Little League? 
Academy Little League has local rules in addition to following the Little League Official Regulations, Playing Rules, and Policies. 
Why is Pitch Count important and how is it calculated? 

The answer is simple – to protect young arms. Player safety is paramount, and we’re proud of the regulations we’ve put in place. The healthier Little Leaguers® are, the more games they’ll play, which results in them having more fun with their friends. Pitch count rules differ for several divisions. Please visit Regular Season Pitching Rules for more information, and be sure to alert your team’s manager if your child pitches in youth baseball programs other that Little League. (cited from 

What bat can my child use for Little League? 
Please use the following link to for further information on the Little League approved bats. 
*Starting January 1, 2018, the new USA Baseball Bat Standard was implemented. Little League-approved baseball bats that were approved for use for the 2017 season are no longer be acceptable for use in any Little League game or activity. All bats used for practice and games must have the USA bat stamp. 

If the weather looks bad, how will I know if my game or practice is cancelled? The weather in Colorado Springs is extremely unpredictable and varies by location.  To avoid unnecessary cancellations and rescheduled games, we will always try to play a game, even in cold weather.  We will make every effort to cancel games as much in advance as possible.  Unfortunately, sometimes we cannot make a weather call until game time. 

If a practice is cancelled, your Manager will make the decision and will notify you.   

If a game(s) is cancelled, the decision will be made by the ALL Weather Committee. Notifications will be made to Division Commissioners, who will notify all Coaches, who will notify parents.  You will also see weather-related cancellation posts on the ALL social media accounts. 

I would like to sponsor my child's team.  Can I do that? 
Yes, we are so grateful for our sponsors!  There are various levels of sponsorship so you can choose your level of contribution.  Please see the SPONSOR tab for details.  Thank you in advance!  For questions regarding sponsorship and general league questions please email [email protected]

Are scholarships available to help pay for registration? 
Scholarships are available to assist families with registration fees. To be considered, please complete our scholarship application located on the forms tab and a member of our Board of Directors will contact you. 


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